Why You Shouldn’t DIY Tree Removal

Trees give your house a natural aesthetic appeal, contribute greatly to the environment, have relaxing powers for your soul and also provide a shade to your house and for your children to play. So why remove a tree by hiring tree removal companies?

  1. Because it has become dead and is leaning to one side and posing a threat to the surrounding landscape, property and people.
  2. The roots of the trees are causing sewerage blockages or are interfering with the structure of your house.
  3. The trees are touching the electrical lines and wires and it can get dangerous.
  4. Maintenance has become impossible due to ample lawn debris.
  5. The tree branches are disturbing the neighbors.

Due to these reasons you think of cutting down your tree. After all, how difficult is it to cut down a tree? You will just need some tools and cut the tree and let it fall, easy right?

WRONG!!!! You should never attempt DIY tree cutting no matter what the problem is. Always call in the experts for tree removal. Tree removal is considered one of the most unsafe jobs in the world and do you know why? Read below to find out.


You may have heard the theory that once something begins to fall there is no looking back. Same is the case with the tree. Once it begins to fall, you cannot stop it. Tree experts will make proper calculations and make a plan as to what angle the tree should be cut and where it will fall. But with a layman the fall can be miscalculated. It is cut at one angle and it falls on the other side where there is your house or a neighbor’s house.

The insurance will not even cover the costs. You cannot possibly judge the fall and you should leave it to the experts. The tree may also hit the power line and chances are you may get an electric shock or the whole neighborhood experiences power blackout.

Unsafe Equipment

Tree removal is not an easy task and requires the use of tons of tools of which the most important and dangerous is the chainsaw. The chainsaw is heavy and also can get out of hand for a person who is using it for the first time.

Tree removal professionals are capable of handling these tools as they are experienced and taught in this field. The chainsaw can get out of hand or the chain may get loosened and it may fall on someone or something or you may get badly injured during the process. You would also need other equipment such as ropes and crane and without these you are exposing yourself to a greater risk.

Decaying Tree or Trunk

Sometimes a tree becomes so decayed that it may fall anytime without warning causing a loss of property and lives. Tree removal experts will only understand the tree biology as when a tree has become completely decayed or is dead. Removal of a dead or decaying tree should be done as soon as possible. A decaying and dead tree becomes very weak and unstable and professional services are required for it. They may also arrange a crane to sustain the fall of a tree. So, a decaying tree should never be removed by yourself but the help of experts should be taken.


When you are going for DIY tree removal you will obviously be working from a height. You may get unstable and fall from the height in the process. The tree removal initially requires cutting of the branches and leaves and then cutting the tree. You will need to take the equipment along with you to cut the branches and can mistakenly fall and hurt yourself badly.

If you leave the branches, leaves and other debris hanging on the tree, then these branches will hurt the surrounding property and people while falling as the branches will spread haphazardly and destroy the landscape in the process. Tree cutting services Maryland are equipped with all the specialized tools and they have the expertise of handling a tree, its branches and sustaining its fall without causing any harm to the surrounding properties and people, hence the work should be left to tree services.

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