The Differences Between Limestone And Marble Countertops

There are many countertop materials to choose from. From natural stones to man-made stones, the options are pretty much endless. If you’re looking for new countertops in your kitchen, then here is a guide on limestone and marble countertops.

Limestone And Marble Countertops Compared


The composition of a rock is really important to consider. Because of the composition, qualities like scratch and stain resistance, durability, and maintenance can be determined, so it’s crucial to have it down when you’re looking for the perfect material for your kitchen countertops.

Limestone Countertops

Limestone is a sedimentary rock. It is made out of calcium carbonate mostly. Sedimentary rocks are rocks that are made after millions of years and there is a lot of fossil fuel present in these rocks.

Large animals and plants decompose as they die and the bones and skeletons turn into calcium carbonate, along with other composites. It is abundantly found in Italy, Spain, and many US states.

Marble Countertops

Marble is a metamorphic rock. Under high temperatures and pressure, the rock crystallizes into marble, with an interlocking crystal structure. Marble is made up of a mixture of clay, sand, and other impurities and there is also mica, which gives rise to the veining on this beautiful stone. It is usually available in lighter colors and the most premium quality marble is available in Italy.

It is used in architecture and sculpture making, however now it is being used as countertops, which is amazing because you can bring the beauty of this natural stone into kitchens too.


Durability is a very crucial factor because it determines the strength and longevity of the material. You want to get a stone that is durable and doesn’t chip and crack under the slightest of forces.

Limestone Countertops

Limestone is a soft material. Since it is usually made out of calcium carbonate, there isn’t a lot of strength in this material, however, that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t last long.

It can last a reasonable amount of time and it’s an amazing stone to go for if you want something that will last you a bit. Its hardness ranks at 3 on the Mohs scale of hardness and it’s an amazing material to go for since it doesn’t chip and the edges are quite sturdy too.

Marble Countertops

Marble is also quite a soft stone, however, its ranking is sometimes variable on the Mohs scale of hardness. It can be either 3 or 4, which is average, and it’s also fairly durable just like limestone.

In comparison, both stones are equal in their durability properties and there’s not a lot of difference between the two. So, if you’re looking for a beautiful stone that will make people fall in love with your kitchen, but also be durable at the same time, then marble is the way to go. However, if you need something more durable than limestone and marble, then choose granite kitchen countertops Raleigh NC.

Heat Resistance

Since you’ll be working in the kitchen, you’ll need to go through this factor as well. Heat resistance is one of the key things to go through when you’re selecting a stone because it determines whether the material will be damaged by heat or not.

Limestone Countertops

Limestone is resistant to heat, but it can be blistered if you make it a habit to put hot pots and pans on the surface of the countertops a lot. This is unpleasant to look at because the stone is already light and will make the hideous black spots more prominent and you don’t want that. Hence, you must use trivets and cutting boards to keep a barrier between the hot food and your countertops.

Marble Countertops

This material is made under high temperatures and pressure, so it can resist heat like a pro. However, if you want to test its limits, then now is not a good time to start.

Even though marble can resist heat and it doesn’t get blistered as easily, that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t get damaged at all. There is a huge possibility that it will get heat stains after several months of putting hot foods and utensils on the surface.

Scratch Resistance

Next up is scratch resistance. This is also really important to consider because you don’t want the material to be a display of chips and scratches. It just doesn’t look appealing at all.

Limestone Countertops

Limestone is a soft material, so it can get scratched. That doesn’t mean that you can’t ever consider this material. It works well if you use a knife on it once or twice, but you definitely shouldn’t make it a habit to use sharp and pointy things directly on the surface of limestone countertops, otherwise, it will get scratched.

Marble Countertops

Marble, since it is typically the same in hardness as limestone, will scratch as well. With marble, the scratches are more obvious and since it is an expensive stone, then a scratched-up countertop will break your heart.

This is why it’s recommended that you use cutting boards when using knives on the surface of the countertops and you’ll save your countertops from getting scratched and looking hideous. This is probably a very major downside of this beautiful material.


The next order of importance is maintenance. You need to be able to maintain your countertops, but you also don’t want to spend every waking minute tending to your countertops, because that’s just exhausting.

Limestone Countertops

Limestone is a good material when it comes to maintenance, however, because it’s a natural stone, you will need to seal the stone. Since there are a lot of pores on the surface of limestone, they can allow penetration of water into the material and that can ruin the countertops.

Also, since the material is mostly composed of calcium carbonate, you want to be careful when you’re using cleaners because any cleaners with acid in them can cause the stone to get damaged and essentially disintegrate.

Marble Countertops

You will also need to seal marble countertops, because again, it is a natural stone and you want to be able to protect your countertops from unnecessary water damage. This is important. Another thing that you will need to do with marble is that you will need to get it polished now and then, especially if you get a polished finish. It is going to ensure that the stone remains shiny and looks beautiful for years to come.


You want to go over the price of the countertops.

Limestone Countertops

Limestone is a bit more on the cheap side, as compared to marble. It is one of the most affordable natural stones. It can cost you anywhere between $45 to $90 for a 1×1 foot slab.

Marble Countertops

Marble is more on the expensive side of things. A 1×1 foot slab of marble can cost you anywhere from $50 to $200, depending on the type of marble you get. It is more expensive and it does require a bit more maintenance.


Limestone and marble are two popular natural stones and both have certain qualities to them. With this guide, you’ll be able to make your decision of choosing a good material for countertop replacement Durham NC.